Monday, May 26, 2014

Working Out

Check out the Pure Barre link I found. I think I might try it.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Getting Healthy and Fit

How do you stay discipline when trying to get healthy?  Everyone at work eats junk food and your not home enough to try and stay consistent. How do you do it?

Friday, May 16, 2014

A letter to my Girls

My oldest is to growing up.  She graduates from Kindergraden and I see is as a big deal.  This is the beginning of a new chapter for her because everything counts.  It's a new chapter for us because my hubby and I have to really make sure her foundation is truly set.  I never imagined this day would come.  Today I really see me in my little girl.  Both my girls are truly a blessing and I am so humbled for them to be apart of my life.  I love you girls, today is a beautiful day.
